Man Ray

Man Ray is a huge inspiration in the world of photography and art. He practiced many forms of art in his time, but is mostly known for his photography and photograms. Many of his pictures were portraits with some type of illusion or object incorporated in. I find this very inspiring and unique because it makes his photos stand out. My first initial thought and impression on many of his photographs aren't usually what is actually being shown. His art requires analyzing to be able to see all the sides of the story and to understand what is being portrayed. 

For example, in the photo above my initial thought was a women crying. This seems like the obvious answer due to the tilt in her eyebrows, the direction of her eyes, and of course, the tears. But once I took a longer look at it I realized that tear drops on her face weren't even tear drops, they are carefully placed glass beads. This makes me wonder what the true story behind the photos is. That is exactly what I love about his art, it leaves me thinking and it is up to anyones interpretation.
Another thing that I really appreciate about Man Rays work is the authenticity and emotion that is incorporated. In all of his portraits, you can almost feel what the model/ person is attempting to portray. This is a very hard task to accomplish and I believe that this is one of the main reasons his work was so well known and loved by many. (Posted on 2/1/22)


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