Steve McCurry

The story of Steve McCurry & Sharbat Gula, the Afghan Girl – Public Delivery

       Steve McCurrys main focus in most of his work is portraits. Many photographers take portraits but not many are able to do what McCurry does. He is able to tell stories and show the life in his images. A lot of his work is sort of dark and unsettling. He captures images that show the side of life people chose to not see. He shows the hardship and struggle that many people endure. He somehow takes the dark side of these peoples lives and turns it into meaningful art for millions to see. 

    My favorite image of his is known as "The Afghan Girl". In this image the first thing you notice is the girls bright green eyes. Her eyes show much more than just beauty. You can see that she has endured pain, darkness, and difficulty. In my opinion, her being so young makes this image much more impactful. Not many people her age show that much maturity and wisdom in their appearance. You can see the strength and power that this young girl holds. 

    I personally love Steve McCurrys work. I think he does an amazing job at telling stories even when they aren't necessarily all good. He shows beauty in hardship. He gives people who have experienced great difficulties a chance to be seen and I think that is very impactful.


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