Philip-Lorca DiCarcio

Philip-Lorca DiCarcio is a portrait photographer. As I was looking through his work, I noticed he does both staged and documentary work, and a lot of his images are environmental. I find the setting that he uses in most of his photos very interesting and appealing, especially the lighting. It seems as though he takes most of his pictures at the last few minutes of sunset and either utilizes the little bit of sunlight left, or some sort of artificial lighting. 
I love this first image and I think I am going to attempt to recreate it. I think it is a very interesting idea to use the headlights of a car to shine on the subjects face. The empty gas station in the back is the perfect touch. It keeps the background interesting without being too busy or distracting. The time of day that he decided to take this image at was also the perfect touch needed to create a gloomy mood. Personally I find this image a little unsettling, mostly because of the intense stare that the subject is giving. 
The second image is a very appealing image to look at. The lighting created by the neon signs as well as the pops of color makes the image very satisfying. I also really enjoy the way that the subject is posing. Again, it adds to the mystery and gloominess of the image.
Overall, a common trend I've noticed in DiCarcios work is that they all seem lonely. Most of the time its of a single subject in a deserted area with a very intense and mysterious look. It shows the depth in the people he is capturing rather then just having a regular model posing. The people he documents all seem like they have been through and seen a lot. They all look slightly tired, worn out, and distressed.


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