Self-Portraiture: Judy Dater

 Judy Dater is notoriously known for her unique and visually interesting self portraits. Rather than just taking average photos of her face or just posing in front of a backdrop, she uses the environment. The majority of her self portraits seem sort of rough and dirty in my opinion. It almost gives off a very animal-like feel. She is naked and shows her skin in her images which fits the environment that her photos are taken in.

The first image is very eye catching. When I first saw it I thought it was her holding onto some type of rope or fence. I later realized that is it most likely a plate of glass. This is obvious because of the way the plans of her hands are pressed against the glass. This adds a very unique element to this picture and I love it. I also believe that the fact that her hands aren't perfectly manicured and they are rather dry and rugged adds to the story that this photo tells and fits perfectly with the background because the background is also dry. To me this image shows the struggle of hanging on when things feel lonely and hard. The background of this image is open and desolate and she is hanging on by the last of he strength. I also want to point out how perfect the composition is. The line of the glass lands right in the middle and that leaves this photo being very eye catching. 

I love the second image and the story that it tells. This image ties into the first one. The way that I interpret it is that it is showing her pulling the weight of her life and experiences. Everyone has there own weight that they carry on a daily bases and this image shows that feeling and that's very powerful. Her being naked also really adds to the strength of this image because it gives it a very raw feel. The composition is also great. I like how she is right in the edge and that the rock id slightly off to the side. The rock being brighter than the rest of the picture also adds a very visually appealing feel.


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