Christian Vogt
Christian Vogt is a portrait photographer. Most of his images show a lot of skin and emotion. What I find most compelling about his work is the way he chooses to pose his subjects. It is very out of the ordinary and like nothing I've ever seen before. It inspires me to try and think more out of the box when working on my own portraits.
The top image is the first image of his that caught my eye. The pose is so simple yet so satisfying to look at it. The shape the womens body is making is not a usual shape that one puts their body in. The way that Christian Vogt chose to shoot this image with her fully nude and facing away from the camera really gives this image so much more character. With the head and the feet cropped out of the image it creates more of an artistic look rather than an emotional or dramatic look. I absolutely love the lighting that was created for this image. It adds the perfect amount of dimension and contrast to the womens body. It isn't too harsh but is obvious that the lighting is mostly coming from the left side.
The bottom photo is probably my favorite of his photos that I've seen. Its so graceful and dramatic. Her hair falling over her head while she has the blanket draped over her gives this piece a very gentle and feminine feel to it. It looks as the she is also naked in this image but instead of being open and confident she is curled up and covered. To me this portrays the side of womanhood that isn't so kind and cheerful. It shows the struggle that women go through emotionally and physically with their body and mind.
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